maxima & multithreading in Linux

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Anton Arkhipov
<arkhipov.anton.d at> wrote:

> How to configure Maxima for multithreading work in Linux?

Maxima uses a lot of special (global) variables, so I'm pretty sure that
multiple threads (in a shared address space) calling Maxima functions
would interfere with each other.

Dunno what you are attempting to do, but there is some code to
run Maxima as a conventional *nix server: listen for clients and fork
a new process (in a separate address space) for each client.
The code is share/contrib/maxima-server.lisp, load("maxima-server.lisp");
should load it. It only works with SBCL, sorry.


Robert Dodier