On Oct. 6, Raymond Toy wrote:
> Done. The limits for quad_qagi are just the limits of integration. At
> least one of the limits must be inf (or minf). If both limits are
> finite, quad_qagi refuses to do anything and just returns the noun form.
> Ray
Thanks for the info. I presume this will show up in ver. 5.17?
I am almost done with Ch.7, Integral Calculus (Maxima by
Example), and my examples are done using ver 5.16,
but I will have a warning about syntax changes.
>Therefore, I've updated the documentation to say epsrel is 1d-8
>everywhere, and updated the implementation to be 1d-8 too. (There were
>a couple of routines where epsrel was 1d-10.)
thanks for the info about epsrel for quadpack routines.
Ted Woollett