Accuracy of numerical calculation of the Gamma and Beta function

Dear Dieter,

Thx for intresting results.

> Results for double float precision:
> maxerr = 1.88e-13 (formula r2)
> maxerr = 2.29e-13 (formula r3)
> Result for bigfloat precision:
> fpprec  maxerr r2  maxerr r3
> 16      3.24b-14   3.58b-14
> 32      3.84b-30   3.99b-30
> 64      7.87b-62   9.48b-62

Can you also show time of computations ? ( How it grows with fpprec )

> Conclusion:
> There is no significant difference beetween the different algorithm. The
> algoritm using log_gamma seems to be sligthly less accurate. Perhaps something
> in the routines for log_gamma can be done better.
> In bigfloat precision we can achieve any desired accuracy. We have a systematic
> difference of 2 to 4 digits in accuracy. 

Does it mean that Maxima can also be used not only as a CAS but also for 

numerical calculations ?

Sometimes I (in my opinion) it's hard to change fpprec in Maxima, see 
for example:

Is it possible to change it ? ( to do it with simple one command fpprec)
