SF [2159499] Full bigfloat precision for Gamma after the second call

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at ericsson.com>wrote:

> ... It seems to me that the problem is actually in the value of pi.  I put
> a break point at *fpsin, and this is what I see, when we change the
> precision from 64 to 128.

Internally, if code wants bfloat pi to the current precision, it should be
calling (fppi), not looking at bigfloat%pi.

I think the problem is that when fpprec is set, fpprec1 is called.  But
> this only updates the bfloat versions of 1, 0, +/- 1/2.  Perhaps we need
> to update the bigfloat values of %pi at least, and probably also %e and
> %gamma.

No!  fppi takes care of calculating the value of pi *if needed* and caching
it.  If it is not needed, it should not be calculated, as that can be very
