assume_pos bug

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Richard Hennessy <rvh2007 at>wrote:

> ...It seems to me that assume_pos is a patch to "fix" a much deeper problem
> with Maxima's asksign. It is not a very good
> one.

I absolutely agree that assume_pos is a terrible hack and very likely to
cause problems. It would probably be a good idea to include some sort of
warning in the documentation making that explicit.

> You can get into trouble even if you read the documentation.

? The documentation seems pretty clear: assume_pos tells Maxima to assume
that all unknown variables are positive. If this is a safe assumption,
fine.  If not, you will get into trouble. A simpler example along the same

assume_pos: true$
ex: abs(x) => x
ex, x=-5  =>  -5

Oh, horrors!  abs(x) can never be -5!  But assume_pos:true asserts that x
cannot be negative.  Maxima relied on the assertion. Is that Maxima's fault
or the user's?
