imaxima t(s) outputs to true(s).

On 10/26/08, Peter A. Gustafson <peter.gustafson at> wrote:

>  t(s) shows in imaxima as true(s).  Can this be avoided?

Well, you can redefine the function TEX-FUNCTION and the problem seems
to go away.

MAXIMA> (defun tex-function (x l r op) op
       (setq l (tex (caar x) l nil 'mparen 'mparen)
         r (tex (cons '(mprogn) (cdr x)) nil r 'mparen 'mparen))
       (nconc l r))
MAXIMA> (to-maxima)

The above function definition is copied from the current src/mactex.lisp.
Imaxima has a private version of the TeX stuff which is out of date.
There have been many bug fixes and other improvements to the TeX
stuff; it seems unfortunate that Imaxima doesn't have the current version.
I don't know how much work it would be to replace the private TeX stuff
with the current version from src/.


Robert Dodier