[Maxima-lang-fr] Problème de portabilité du code utilisateur entre les différentes versions et plateformes de Maxima.

Thank you very much for your answer, hereafter is an example that, run
in 5.16.3, complains about ssearch not being fed with the correct types,
but I encounter problems with other maxima functions, e.g. sunlisp. I'm
not sure they're all related to strings. Is there a generic way to cope
with this kind of failures?

/* Distinct(s,m): Returns the distinct signs in seq or the cardinality
of its set.*/
  lys:charlist(seq), res:"",
  for i while length(lys)>0 do(
    chiffre:first(lys), lys:rest(lys),
    if  is(ssearch(chiffre,res)=false) then (res:sconc(res,chiffre))
  if length(mode)>0 then slength(res) else return(res) 

On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 21:34:18 -0700, "Robert Dodier"
<robert.dodier at gmail.com> said:
> Hello, there were various changes in the stringproc package over
> the last several Maxima versions. Perhaps that is the cause of the
> errors. Can you please be more specific about the functions you are
> using, and the errors that you observe?
> Perhaps I have misunderstood. I can't read French very well,
> and I can't write it at all, sorry.
> All the best
> Robert Dodier