using integration_constant in ode2


I noticed that integration_constant as well as integration_constant_counter do not affect
the integration constants in the ode solver in ode2.mac. Is there a reason for this? 
Now ode2 returns %c, or k1 or k2 as integration constants, but I see no harm in letting 
integration_constant and integration_constant_counter handle this.
All references to constants can be replaced by concat(integration_constant,integration_constant_counter)
and increase the counter, or something similar.

Are there any objections to implementing this? 

It can help me in determining which terms are the constants immediately after a call to ode2.
I have written a small function that will return the solution of a simple pde like 
pde : diff(n(x,y),x)=0
n(x,y) = %c(y)
so the integration constant should depend on all independent variables that were not used in any 
differential operator in the pde. These type of pde's are actually ode's and can be solved with ode2.
