Pw.mac under development


Here is a new pw.mac.  It supports many more problems, like integrating products and sums of pw functions.  The diff bug 
is fixed but I have yet to write a pwsimp function that will be the only way to get rid of unnessary diracdelta 
functions.  There are two simplification rules to do that but they are commented out since they are too slow.  This is 
better but I want to do pwdiff and pwintegrate which will be able to do a lot more than what I am currently able to do 
using simplification rules on diff and integrate.  There are some suggestions that have been made that would probably be 
good ideas that I did not do yet.  I will try to get them in the next version.  I did not do signum rules yet.  I think 
that I have no idea what unit_step should be at x = 0.  I don't want to make that decision.  I can do the signum rules 
now though.  I will post another update as soon as I get the signum rules done.  I have seen 1, 0, 1/2 and 0 < a < 1 for 
any a in that range in the literature for unit_step(0).  There are more comments about this version in the source code. 
Since I don't have rules on signum I have not attached unit_step.lisp which returns 1/2 at 0, doing that would break 

Thanks for your help,

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