Garbage collection

"Are you running out of memory or something?"

Yes.  I am getting out of memory messages.  My pc still has more memory available, but Maxima is not able to use it for 
some reason.  I have processes that when they are running are using up 300-400 MBytes.  When they finish and I release 
all of the variables and arrays the memory still is showing 300-400 MBytes in use.  I have to do many step processes one 
step one at a time and save the results to a file using stringout().  Then I read in the file and go on to the next step 
with a fresh restart of Maxima.

I am using GCL which does not have the GC command.  I am still looking for the right garbage.  (Apropos 'garbage) bring 
up a lot of stuff but I am not sure which one is the one I want, if any.  All the "command's" that come up actually are 
not commands at all.  I don't know what they are.  There is something called "garbage", it is not a command.
