vector times vector; vector^-1?

On Saturday 15 November 2008 16:43:58 van Nek wrote:

> I would like to know the reasons for the definitons we have at the
> moment concerning times operations on lists and matrices.
> The second question is, what should v1^-1 be?
> l1^-1; -->  [1/x,1/y]
> which is the same as
> map(lambda([e],e^-1),l1);
> So
> v1^-1; --> vector(1/x,1/y) ?

I think that division / inversion is okay for listarith
(see the Maxima manual), but it should not be defined
at all for the real vectors.

Prickle Prickle, Aftermath 27 YOLD 3174
Alexey Beshenov