vector times vector; vector^-1?

On 11/15/08, Viktor T. Toth <vttoth at> wrote:

> On the topic of multiplying vectors and matrices, I've been meaning to make
>  a suggestion: I think it might be a good idea to modify the dot product
>  (perhaps tied to a global variable <groan> that determines if this new
>  behavior is to be used) to allow the ELEMENTS of the matrices or vectors
>  involved to be noncommutative.

Good news! There is already such a global variable!
It is named matrix_element_mult.
Its value is the name of the operator which is invoked to
carry out element-by-element multiplication when lists and/or
matrices are multiplied.

Of course the right way to handle this is to declare that matrix
elements are elements of a group or whatever with a specified
operator ... Maybe we'll get there someday.

>  At present, for instance, a lot of quantum physics problems cannot be
>  tackled in the "natural way" in Maxima, because they involve matrices with
>  nonscalar elements, yet Maxima insists on commutative multiplication.

I don't know much about that. Does matrix_element_mult help?


Robert Dodier