
Barton Willis wrote:
> maxima-bounces at wrote on 11/18/2008 10:11:01 AM:
>> Maybe atan2 should just try to see if y/x is a number.  If so, compute
>> atan(y/x), but then ask for the signs so the right quadrant can be used.
>>  Then atan(x,x) and atan2(c*x,x) will both ask.  This also has the nice
>> effect of removing the super-special case of atan2(1,sqrt(3)).
> I'll aim towards this. When Maxima has better support for conditional
> statements, somebody can revisit atan2 (and lots of other functions).

I didn't mean to imply you should do this, and it was just a suggestion
off the top of my head on the issues you raised.  I'm not even sure it's
 anywhere even close to a right solution.
