Benchmarking the solar dynamo with Maxima

On 11/25/08, Valery Pipin <pip at> wrote:

> Here, is the paper where the essential part
>  of the code is described.     The whole consideration is divided for two
>  cases. As the ?rst case I explore the largest free decay modes in the sphere
>  which is submerged in vacuum. This problem has the analytical solution given
>  by the spherical Bessel functions.  As the second case I test the simple ??
>  dynamo in the solar convection zone with the tachocline included (more about
>  solar dynamo is here
>  At my blog I put the animation for this model.

Valery, that's awesome. I think any kind of a worked example from a
real problem is terrific. Maybe we should start collecting a gallery of
such examples; we could make a wiki page, or an ordinary web page.


Robert Dodier