> Try:
> GivePeriodOfAngle(n0,d):=
> catch(
> block([ni:n0],
> for i thru 200 do if (ni:doubling_map(ni,d))=n0 then throw(i),
> 0 ) )
It is good. Thx
> But it can be changed to
> G(n0,d):=
> block([ni:n0],
> for i thru 200 do if (ni:doubling_map(ni,d))=n0 then
> if (ni=n0)then return(i) else
> return(0));
> This does not do the same thing at all!
You are right
This shows that creating even such simple function gives (IMHO) many
unexpected problems ( specific to a language and not descibed in docs).
Such problems not exist in creating program without function. (:-))
> -s
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