Benchmarking the solar dynamo with Maxima

Adam Majewski wrote:
> Valery Pipin pisze:
>> Here, is the paper where the essential part 
>> of the code is described.     The whole consideration is divided for two 
>> cases. As the ?rst case I explore the largest free decay modes in the sphere 
>> which is submerged in vacuum. This problem has the analytical solution given 
>> by the spherical Bessel functions.  As the second case I test the simple ?? 
>> dynamo in the solar convection zone with the tachocline included (more about 
>> solar dynamo is here
>> At my blog I put the animation for this model.
>> regards
>> V
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> Hi,
> Thx for paper.
>> compiled against the fastest lisps like sbcl or cmucl-sse2
> 1. Why Maxima uses slower version of lisp ?
Because gcl runs "everywhere".
> 2. How to compile it against the fastest lisps ?
Last time I looked gcl ran the testsuite faster than all other lisps.   
Which is not to say gcl is fastest for all problems.

If you want to run your code with sbcl or cmucl, (or clisp or
openmcl/clozure or ecl), you have to build maxima yourself.  Not hard if
you have autoconf and automake.  Just run bootstrap, configure, and make.
