how to define mathematical operators?

Hi there,

I am trying to do some work related to Quantum Mechanics with Maxima. I
want to define a mathematical operator which acts on a function and
returns another function. The operator computes the derivative of a
function f(x) and adds the result to the function multiplied by a
constant V (eventually, V could be another function of x):
f -> df/dx+Vf.
Of course, I could define
but this is not what I want. I want to be able to define H(V) and then
to make it act on a function.
In Mathematica I would do
so I suppose that I am asking for an equivalent of Mathematica's @.
I will appreciate any help on this.
Best regards
 Jos? Antonio Vallejo Rodr?guez
 Departamento de Matem?ticas
 Facultad de Ciencias UASLP
 Lat. Av. Salvador Nava s/n
 78290 San Luis Potos? (M?xico)
 email: jvallejo at