Small problem with the value of niceindicespref after running the testsuite

On 11/30/08, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at> wrote:

>  The reason is that within the testsuite the value of niceindecespref is restored
>  with reset(niceindicespref). But at this point of the file the symbol i has the
>  value 888 which is inserted in the list.

Well, that's a bug in reset. I think the following 1-line patch fixes it.
I'll probably commit that patch tomorrow.


Robert Dodier

--- src/inmis.lisp      19 Jul 2008 15:23:59 -0000      1.12
+++ src/inmis.lisp      1 Dec 2008 06:59:12 -0000
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
           (displa `((mtext) "reset: bind " ,key " to " ,displa-val))))
       (nconc actually-reset (list key))
       (let ((munbindp t))
-        (meval `((msetq) ,key ,val))))))
+        (meval `((msetq) ,key ((mquote) ,val)))))))

 (defmspec $reset_verbosely (L)
   (reset-do-the-work (cdr L) t))