You can make animations in 3d using the draw package:
(%i14) load(draw)$
(%i15) tay(n, x, y) := block(
[ts : taylor(exp(-x__^2-y__^2), [x__, y__], [0,0], n)],
subst([x__=x, y__=y], ts)
(%i16) with_slider_draw3d(
n, 1+2*makelist(i,i,0,6),
color = blue,
explicit(exp(-x^2-y^2), x, -1, 1, y, -1, 1),
color = red,
explicit('(tay(n,x,y)), x, -1, 1, y, -1, 1),
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Thomas Lingefj?rd
<Thomas.Lingefjard at> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I know how to make a dynamic view of a Taylor Polynomial in two
> dimensions by using the function with_slider( in wxMaxima.
> Is there a similar way to show the approximating
> Taylor polynomial in three dimensions, for instance for the
> surface of f: exp(-x^2-y^2) at (0, 0)or at any other point?
> --
> V?nliga h?lsningar/ Bedste hilsner/ Best regards/ Bien cordialement/
> Cordilamente/ Pozdrowienia/ Sch?ne Gr??e/ Sz?v?lyes ?dv?zlettel,
> Thomas
> *******************************************************
> Thomas Lingefj?rd
> Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
> UNIVERSITY of GOTHENBURG, Department of Education
> Box 300
> SE 405 30 G?TEBORG
> Telephone: +46 (0)31 786 2253
> Cellular: +46 (0)708 29 39 73
> Mail: Thomas.Lingefjard at
> Web:
> "For what you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing:
> it also depends on what sort of person you are." (C.S. Lewis)
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