plot2d (?) error

On Dec. 1, 2008, Adam Majewski wrote:

> (%i8) Plot2DDiscrete(x,xMin,xMax):=
> block(
> xx:makelist(i,i,xMin,xMax),
> yy:map(f,xx),
> load(draw),
> draw2d(
>        point_type    = filled_circle,
>        point_size    = 3,
>        points_joined = false,
>        color         = blue,
>        key           = "punkty",
>            points(xx,yy),
>        terminal      = 'screen)
>  )$(%i9) Plot2DDiscrete(x,1,10);(%o9) [gr2d(points)]
> This function draws discrete points (x,y:f(x)),
> How to pass external function thru parameters ?
> ( here f is global function )

Why not use a Maxima "expression" with your listplot rather
than a Maxima "function"?

For example, the following listplot1 accepts either an
expression or a (official) Maxima function:

(%i1) display2d:false$
/* load draw once, not every time you
     run listplot  */

(%i2) load(draw)$
/* here is a version close to yours in
     spirit  */

(%i3) listplot1(expr,var,v1,v2):=
        point_type    = filled_circle,
        point_size    = 2,
        points_joined = false,
        color         = blue,
        key           = "pts",
        terminal      = 'screen) )$

/* here we use listplot1 with a Maxima
    expression:  */
(%i4) listplot1(x^3,x,0,10)$

/* here we use listplot1 with a Maxima
     function  */

(%i5) g(x):= x*sin(x)$
(%i6) listplot1(g(y),y,0,10)$

Ted Woollett