Eliminating parameters for computing an intersection
Subject: Eliminating parameters for computing an intersection
From: Wolfgang Lindner
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 17:28:59 +0100
dear Reinhard,
the package by Mario Riotorto will be your friend.
Follow this link for more elaborated examples of this package:
As far as I remember Mario has given a fantastic example of intersecting
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Reinhard Jansohn <jansohn at betontest.de>
An: maxima at math.utexas.edu <maxima at math.utexas.edu>
Datum: Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008 16:10
Betreff: [Maxima] Eliminating parameters for computing an intersection
|Hello Maxima friends!
|I computed the intersection of two cylinders by hand as shown below but I
want to compute similar intesections with Maxima.
|Please note that there is an article "The Geometry of Intersecting Tubes
Applied to Controlling a Robotic Welding Torch" from by John M. Stockie on
the web http://www.math.sfu.ca/~stockie/weld/ showing how this is done in
Maple. Unfortunately I could not do that in Maxima.
|cylinder 1:
|x1 = v1
|y1 = R1 * sin(u1)
|z1 = R1 * cos(u1)
|cylinder 2:
|x2 = R2 * cos(u2)
|y2 = R2 * sin(u2)
|z2 = v2
|The intersection maybe computed simply by setting x1=x2, y1=y2 and z1=z2
which gives us
|R2 * cos(u2) = v1
|R2 * sin(u2) = R1 * sin(u1)
|v2 = R1 * cos(u1)
|Now we three equations with four parameters u1, v1, u2 and v2.
|To get the intersection curve we eliminate three parameters. If we do that
we end up in
|x = R2 * cos(u2)
|y = R2 * sin(u2)
|z = sqrt(R1^2 - R2^2 * sin^2(u2))
|My question is how can this be done in Maxima.
|Does anyone know how to get this done in Maxima.
|Thanks for help.
|Kindest regrads
|Maxima mailing list
|Maxima at math.utexas.edu