Maxima 5.17.0 release

Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 17:56 -0500 schrieb Raymond Toy:
> Robert Dodier wrote:
> >
> > Please give it a try and let us know how it works out.
> >   
> I notice there's no Changelog-5.17.  Was that an oversight?  (Ok if you
> didn't want to make one.)
> Maybe we should require developers to add changelog entries (easy to do
> with emacs) when they commit changes?  I'd rather not, but many other
> projects require it.

Perhaps it is useful for a changelog. I have collected the last
contributions to the project we have done and where I was involved:

Extensions and changes to the Factorial function:

  Maxima User function:     factorial(z)
  New Maxima User variable: factorial_expand

  - Complex float and complex bigfloat support added
  - Check for a negative integer or a real representation of an integer
  - Set $factlim to the value 100,000 to avoid unintentional overflow
  - Implementation of mirror symmetry
  - Expand factorial(n+m) where m is an integer
    The expansion depends on the Maxima User variable $factorial_expand.
    The functionality is comparable with the function minfactorial. 
    But because the expansion is done by the simplifier we have no
    problems with nested expression.

  Related bugs: 
  SF[1571099] handling of large factorials
  SF[1486452] minfactorial doesn't look inside "!"

Changes to General factorial:

  Maxima User function: genfact(x,y,z):

  - Adding tests for the arguments of genfact(x,y,z).
    The algorithm of genfact(x,y,z) only works for the following range 
    of the arguments: x, y, z positive integer and z <= x and y <= x/z.
    The tests for this range of values have been added. For integer 
    values beyond this range a Maxima error is thrown. For all other 
    numbers Maxima returns  a noun form.

  Related bug:
  SF [1093138] double factorial defn incorrect for noninteger operand

Implementation of Double factorial

  New Maxima User function: double_factorial(z)
  New Maxima User variable: factorial_expand

  double_factorial is a generalization of genfact(x,y,z) for real and
  complex values. For an integer argument to double_factorial the 
  function genfact(x,y,z) is called.

  - Numerical evaluation for integer, real and complex values in float
    and bigfloat precision
  - Implementation of the derivative
  - Mirror symmetry
  - Maxima Error for even negative integer
  - When $factorial_expand T expansion for factorial_double(2*k+z) 
    and k an integer
  - Transformation to a Gamma function with $makegamma

  Related bug:
  SF [1093138] double factorial defn incorrect for noninteger operand

Extensions and improvements of the Gamma function

  Maxima User function:     gamma(z)
  New Maxima User variable: gamma_expand

  - Adding code to evaluate complex bigfloats using the routine cbffac.
  - Detect a float or bigfloat representation of a negative integer.
  - Adding a test to check an overflow in the numerical routine
  - Adding code for autoloading cbffac in max_ext.lisp
  - Simplify gamma(z+n) when n an integer e.g.
    gamma(z+1) = n * gamma(z)
    gamma(z+2) = n * (z+1) * gamma(z)
    gamma(z-1) = - gamma(z) / (1-n)
    gamma(z-2) = gamma(z) / ((1-n) * (2-n))
  - Do the extraction of the realpart and imagpart when we know we 
    have a complex number.
  - Improved accuracy for float, bigfloat and complex bigfloat values.
  - reduce the default value of $gammalim to 10,000
  - $gammalim and $factlim now work indepently

  Related bugs:
  SF [2013650] gamma(250.0) returns non-number; gamma(-1.0) finite
  SF [2134791] Gamma ask for the sign of an expression

Implementation of the Incomplete Gamma function

  New Maxima User function: gamma_incomplete(a,z)

  The following features are implemented:

  - Evaluation for real and complex numbers in double float and
    bigfloat precision
  - Special values for gamma_incomplete(a,0) and gamma_incomplete(a,inf)
  - When $gamma_expand T expand the following expressions:
  - Mirror symmetry
  - Derivative wrt the arguments a and z

Implementation of the Generalized Incomplete Gamma function

  New Maxima User function: gamma_incomplete_generalized(a,z1,z2)

  The following features are implemented:

  - Evaluation for real and complex numbers in double float and 
    bigfloat precision
  - Special values for:
  - When $gamma_expand T and n an integer expand 
  - Implementation of Mirror symmetry
  - Derivative wrt the arguments a, z1 and z2

Implementation of the Regularized Incomplete Gamma function

  New Maxima User function: gamma_incomplete_regularized(a,z)

  The following features are implemented:

  - Evaluation for real and complex numbers in double float and
    bigfloat precision
  - Special values for:
  - When $gamma_expand T and n a positive integer expansions for
  - Derivative wrt the arguments a and z
  - Implementation of Mirror symmetry

Implementation of the Logarithm of the Gamma function

  New Maxima User function: log_gamma(z).

  The following features are implemented:

  - Evaluation for real and complex values in float and bigfloat
  - For positive integer values n transformation to log(factorial(n)).
  - Check for negative integers, float or bigfloat representation.
  - Simplify gamma_log(inf) -> inf

Extension and implementation of the Error functions

  New Maxima User functions: erf(z)

  New Maxima User flag: erf_representation

  The following features are implemented:

  - Real and complex evaluation in double float and bigfloat precision.
  - For numerical evaluation in double float precision the slatec
    routine slatec:derf is called. In all other cases the numerical 
    routines of the Incomplete Gamma function are called.
  - Specific values for zero, one, inf and minf
  - Implementation of mirror symmetry
  - Transform into a representation in terms of the Error function erf 
    when erf_representation is T
  - Odd reflection symmetry is implemented for the Error function erf

At this time the following is not part of the release 5.17:

Extending the integrator

  Extending the integrator to get more integrals with power functions.
  These are the patterns added (n is an integer, sometimes a positive

  Type 1: a^(b*(z^r)^p+d)
  Type 2: z^v*a^(b*z^r+d)
  Type 3: (a*z+b)^p*%e^(c*z+d)
  Type 4: d^(a*z^2+b/z^2+c)
  Type 4-1: z^(2*n)*d^(a*z^2+b/z^2+c)
  Type 5: z^n*d^(a*z^2+b*z+c)
  Type 6: z^n*d^(a*sqrt(z)+b*z+c)
  Type 7: z^n*a^(b*z^r+e)*h^(c*z^r+g)
  Type 8: a^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e)*h^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g)
  Type 9: z^n*a^(b*z^2+d*z+e)*h^(c*z^2+f*z+g)
  Type 10: z^n*a^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e)*h^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g)

  The solutions are in terms of the gamma_incomplete, expintegral_e or 
  error functions.

Integration of special functions

  Adding code to support the integration of special functions.
  Short description of the modifications:

  - Put the integral of the elementary function on the property list.
  - Extend the routine integrallookups with an algorithm to look up
    the integral from the property list.
  - Write a more general routine to do a partial integration and call
    this routine in the routine intform.
  - Generalize diffdiv to support the integration of functions with more
    than one argument (e.g. for gamma_incomplete and expintegral_e).

  In a first step the following functions can be integrated:

  expintegral_si and expintegral_ci
  expintegral_shi and expintegral_chi
  erf, erfc and erfi


Dieter Kaiser