approximating a curve

On Tuesday 09 December 2008 08:47:44 Valery Pipin wrote:
> Michael Carey wrote:
> > I have looked at linear regression for approximating a linear
> > graph, but how would I approximate a square or third order
> > polynomial?
> >
> > Thanks Mick C
> real life example. Using the Peter's Eggleton stellar evolution
> code I've got a table of  the stellar interior parameters for the
> Brown Dwarf (0.2 M_sun, 0.006 L_sun). The parameters are pressure,
> temperature, luminosity, density and etc.. . Now I want to use
> their functional form in my dynamo model. The best way is to get
> the Chebyshev approximations to them. I do as follows,
> 1) read the table to maxima
> 2) find the spline interpolation
> 3) find  the Chebyshev approximations
> The code is below. The gz-table is in attachment.

Well, here's (maybe a less practical) code with
plain polynomial approximation by weighted least squares.

Pungenday, Aftermath 51 YOLD 3174
Alexey Beshenov

-------------- next part --------------
load ("wls.mac")$

data_x : block([n:100], makelist(float(2*%pi*i/n), i,0,n))$
data_y : map('cos,data_x)$

poly_appr : least_squares(6,data_x,data_y);
plot2d(poly_appr, [x,0,2*%pi])$
-------------- next part --------------
numberlistp (l) := apply("and", map('numberp,l))$

s_pow (x,n) := if n = 0 then 1.0 else x^n$

least_squares (p, [param]) := block([weighted],

    if length(param) = 2 then
        weighted : false
    elseif length(param) = 3 then
        weighted : true
    elseif not apply("and", map('listp,param)) then
        error("usage: least_squares (p, [x_1, ..., x_n], [y_1, ..., y_n])
or least_squares (p, [x_1, ..., x_n], [y_1, ..., y_n], [w_1, ..., w_n])"),
    if not (integerp(p) and p >= 1) then
        error("p = 1, 2, ... expected"),
    block([x:float(param[1]), y:float(param[2]), w, n, phi, M],
        if not apply("and", map('numberlistp,param)) then
            error("numeric values expected"),
        if weighted then
            w : float(param[3]),
        n : length(y),
        if length(x)#n then
            error("lists of equal length expected"),
        if weighted then
            if length(w)#n then
                error("lists of equal length expected"),

        phi : zeromatrix(p+1,p+1),
        M : zeromatrix(p+1,1),
        for j : 0 thru p do
            for k : j thru p do
                if weighted then
                    phi[j+1][k+1] : sum(w[i]*s_pow(x[i],j)*s_pow(x[i],k), i,1,n)
                    phi[j+1][k+1] : sum(s_pow(x[i],j)*s_pow(x[i],k), i,1,n),
        for j : 0 thru p do
            for k : j+1 thru p do
                phi[k+1][j+1] : phi[j+1][k+1],
        for k : 0 thru p do
            if weighted then
                M[k+1][1] : sum(w[i]*y[i]*s_pow(x[i],k), i,1,n)
                M[k+1][1] : sum(y[i]*s_pow(x[i],k), i,1,n),
        b : first(linsolve_by_lu(phi,M,'floatfield)),
        sum(b[i+1][1]*'x^i, i,0,p)
