Is there a way to suppress messages from tellsimp?
Subject: Is there a way to suppress messages from tellsimp?
From: Richard Hennessy
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 03:03:16 -0500
I don't think it is a warning at all. It is an informational message stating that you are breaking a sum into two mutually
exclusive terms. In this case constant terms from nonconstant terms like
(a+b+c+5*a) + (x)
aa gets the first term and xx gets x. But I noticed they do not have to be always mutually exclusive, either way you get the
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Dodier" <robert.dodier at>
To: "Richard Fateman" <fateman at>
Cc: "Maxima List" <maxima at>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Is there a way to suppress messages from tellsimp?
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Richard Fateman
<fateman at> wrote:
> A properly constructed pattern will almost never get such a message. I can
> see that perhaps in a collection of 25 carefully written rules, you might have
> one that validly partitions a sum or product. If you have 25 such warnings,
> I would be very suspicious.
The "foo partitions bar" message is triggered by constructs like this:
matchdeclare (xx, foo_p, yy, not_foo_p);
foo_p (e) := not atom(e) and op(e) = 'foo;
not_foo_p (e) := not foo_p (e);
tellsimpafter (xx*yy, FOO (xx, yy));
=> yy xx partitions `product'
Since the predicates foo_p and not_foo_p are exhaustive and
mutually exclusive, this is really a best-case scenario.
The rules I write usually have such predicates (because they make
life easier) so they usually get the warning message.
Robert Dodier
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