On 12/17/08, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll
<juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> wrote:
> ECL has to find its own library. If LD_LIBRARY_FLAG is not set to a
> location where libecl.so resides, then ECL will fail to start. -rpath
> solves this by encoding the location of the library.
Right, I threw in the LDFLAGS to make LD_LIBRARY_PATH unnecessary.
> > By the way, I found it necessary to supply LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib
> > when building ECL itself.
> If ECL depends on libraries which are located there, then this flag
> may help. Otherwise, it should not be required to build ECL. Am I
> wrong?
Same goal here, to make LD_LIBRARY_PATH unnecessary.
> Just downloaded Maxima and seems to build with the latest git sources.
> I only found that when invoking ECL, the build process does not use
> the flag -norc, and since my settings in ~/.ecl interfered with the
> build, it failed. That should be taken into account.
OK, I'll put the -norc option in the makefile.
Robert Dodier