Problem with Maxima 5.17.1 and ECL 8.12.0

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Oliver Kullmann
<O.Kullmann at> wrote:

> ;      - Loading binary file "binary-ecl/rat3c.fas"

> An error occurred during initialization:
> The function $JACOBI is undefined..

I'm guessing this is due to the EVAL-WHEN in src/rat3c.lisp
which assigns the special variable BIGPRIMES.
I suppose MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM is neither 2147483647
nor 1152921504606846975 in ECL on your system, so the
default case is executed, calling NEWPRIME and therefore
eventually $JACOBI, which is defined in src/numth.lisp,
which is loaded after rat3c according to src/maxima.system.

Maybe moving numth before rat3c would be enough to fix the problem.
I haven't tried it. It's possible that could trigger some other error ....

By the way, what does ECL report for MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM ?


Robert Dodier