Maxima Manual - Example Page 15 - different result for ''sin(1);

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Richard Fateman
<fateman at> wrote:

> The example of ''sin(1) is wrong, and I am surprised that it was ever right.

I don't know (and I don't care) why you say it's "wrong".
It was an accurate description of the code at the time I wrote it,
and it described a feature that existing long before I came on the scene.

> How would you feel about an automobile manual that described the side view
> mirrors, and then by example showed that if you pointed them downward you
> can see how close to the curb you have parked?
> Then left it to the driver to figure out that it was not a good idea to
> leave the mirrors in this position.

Analogies are almost always a distraction. I stay away from them.

Robert Dodier