looks like r1.56 src/limit.lisp changes the behavior of limit(1/x, x, 0),
before the result was und, now it is infinity.
i guess the bits in question are these in BOTH-SIDE:
@@ -319,6 +306,8 @@
(cond ((alike1 (ridofab la) (ridofab lb)) (ridofab la))
((or (not (free la '%limit))
(not (free lb '%limit))) ())
+ ;; inf + minf => infinity
+ ((and (infinityp la) (infinityp lb)) '$infinity)
(t '$und)))))
;; Warning: (CATCH NIL ...) will catch all throws.
I guess infinity is a suitable result for limit(1/x, x, 0) since
in Maxima, infinity represents a complex value with undefined
argument and infinite magnitude.
That's OK by me, I don';t have a preference for und, I just want
to make sure I understand the reasoning here.
Robert Dodier