Maxima 5.17.1 regressions for Sage

Hello Robert,

there is a further report concerning the erf function on the Sage website.
Because we have extended the erf function to calculate results for complex
values we now get:

(%i14) build_info();
Maxima version: 5.16.0cvs
Maxima build date: 0:34 12/23/2008
host type: @host@
lisp-implementation-type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)
lisp-implementation-version: GCL 2.6.8

(%i15) erf(%i);
(%o15) erf(%i)

(%i16) erf(%i),numer;
(%o16) 1.650425758797543 %i + 2.1207839599929513E-16

That is the report from the Sage project:


erf(%i) is now evaluated and the result for the above expression is
approximately real.

(%i17) erf(3*%i);
(%o17) erf(3 %i)

(%i18) erf(3*%i),numer;
(%o18) 1629.99462260308 %i + 1.7793504802297391E-12

That is the report from the Sage project

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: unable to simplify to complex approximation

Thus, Sage now detect an unexpected complex result.

Thus, I do not think that we have errors in Maxima, but Sage get unexpected
results for the erf function with complex arguments.

Remark: We have small realparts in the results. This is due to the limited
numerical accuracy of the routine.

Dieter Kaiser

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: maxima-bounces at [mailto:maxima-bounces at] Im
Auftrag von Robert Dodier
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Dezember 2008 17:20
An: Michael Abshoff; Maxima List
Cc: William Stein
Betreff: Re: [Maxima] Maxima 5.17.1 regressions for Sage

About a problem reported at:

"Bad argument to `genfact'"

What are the arguments to genfact here?
Inspecting the Maxima code, I see the following restriction:

    (cond ((and (fixnump a)
                (fixnump b)
                (fixnump c))
           (if (and (> a -1)
                    (> b -1)
                    (or (<= c a) (= b 0))
                    (<= b (/ a c)))
             (gfact a b c)
             (merror "Bad argument to `genfact'")))

(I.e. when a, b, and c are machine integers)


Robert Dodier
Maxima mailing list
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