Am Montag, den 22.12.2008, 14:58 -0800 schrieb Edwin Woollett:
> the current besselexpand example in the
> 5.17.1 manual is recovered only if one
> uses rootscontract on the raw simplification.
> Ted Woollett
I had a look at the CVS. This was changed by the Revision 1.31 four
years ago:
Revision 1.31 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Mon Nov 29 17:13:09 2004 UTC (4 years ago) by rtoy
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: release-5_9_2-base, version-5919rc1, version-5919rc2,
version-5919rc3, version-5919rc4, version-592
Branch point for: RELEASE-5_9_2-BRANCH
Changes since 1.30: +7 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.30
Minor change to make the term sqrt(2*z/%pi) in the half-order Bessel
functions come out at sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)/sqrt(%pi).
So the example in the manual has to be updated.
Dieter Kaiser