El lun, 29-12-2008 a las 15:55 -0500, Sheldon Newhouse escribi?:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to keep the plots generated from draw to not disappear
> when one does additional plots?
As far as I know, the multiplot concept has two meanings in gnuplot:
1.- multiple separated scenes in one window, which is already
implemented in draw:
2.- add succesive scenes stacking them all together. This is not yet
implemented in draw, but I think it's easy to implement. I'll take a
look into this.
But if you mean to keep several windows opened, with a different plot
each, I don't know if this is possible with gnuplot. Calling functions
gnuplot_restart or gnuplot_start always shuts the previous window.
> TIA and Happy New Year to all,
Same wishes.