
-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

 conjugate (ii);
>(%o4)                         - ii
>(%i5) conjugate (xx + yy);
>(%o5)                        yy + xx
>(%i5) conjugate (xx + yy);
>(%o5)             conjugate(yy) + conjugate(xx)
>(I guess the new result is correct since xx and yy are assumed real.)

Yes, new value yy + xx is better than the old conjugate(yy) + conjugate
(xx). If you
would change the user documentation, that would be good.

>8. The linear algebra stuff contains a lot of messages from "rat" in
>the output. Should we set ratprint : fase for update_examples?

I think this would be OK--maybe prepend something like "To prevent messages
from "rat", we'll
globally set ratprint to false for the linear algebra example."

Thanks for working on this.
