"Simpler" bigfloat and complex bigfloat arithmetic

Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> Hello Ray,
> yes you are right. The routines are almost identical. Most things I had
> to change because of different tests for zero or equivalence, etc ...
Hopefully, this will simplify your work by just having to write (and
debug!!!!) just one routine.
> I have already finished the numerical routines for the Beta Incomplete
> function. I will try to use your code.
That would be great.  Undoubtly there are errors in the code, but they
should be easy to find and fix.

> One advantage can be to reduce the lots of cond and case for the
> different types in the code. It would be very good to have a concept for
> all Maxima numbers including rational, etc.
You mean to handle ((rat) 1 2) kind of maxima rationals?  That shouldn't
be two hard.  Just need to extend numeric::bigfloat.

Other than that, I think we already handle all of Maxima's numeric types.
