Further improvements to integral property code

On 1/4/09, Michel Talon <talon at lpthe.jussieu.fr> wrote:

> By the way i encountered recently the following maxima program written
>  by a collegue of mine, which uses Meijer G functions to perform integrals
>  which reduce to pFq hypergeometric functions. It seems that this technique
>  is used systematically in Maple and Mathematica. The program is contained in
>  the following post to the maxima mailing list:
>  http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2007/005710.html

That program meijer_gv2.mac is in share/contrib, as is meijer_g.tex.
Both files should be present in Maxima releases.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier