Management Model for Open Source Software Developement Projects

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

    Robert> On 1/2/09, ahmet alper parker <aaparker at> wrote:
    >> I want to ask you that is there a management model (schedule, plan,
    >> responsible people etc.) in the development phase of maxima?

    Robert> Well, the Maxima development process, to the extent that there is any,
    Robert> is the following.

    Robert>  * There are 3 releases per year, April, August, and December.
    Robert>  * Project administrators manage the releases and machinery such
    Robert>   as the project web site and mailing list, but do not set goals for the
    Robert>   project or oversee developers.
    Robert>  * Ideas about what to do are often floated on the mailing list.
    Robert>  * Developers work on stuff as their time, interests, and expertise permit.
    Robert>  * Whether or not something gets done is largely a function of whether
    Robert>   anybody wants to do it, and whether there is any active opposition to it.

    Robert> This is just a description of the current state of affairs.
    Robert> For my part, I'm not inclined to change it.

I think this is all you can realistically do anyway. :-)

But it would be nice if there were some set of goals.  You know, some
certain set of features that maxima is currently lacking that we'd
like to have.  A lot of this is already happening (more special
function support with bigfloat values for them), but a rough list
of ideas would be nice.

(I thought the wiki had some ideas on this, but I may be mistaken.)
