Problem/s with Maxima, et al (on Ubuntu 8.10)

On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, Henry W. Peters wrote:

< I got wxWidgets to install & wxMaxima 0.8.1 (thanks Alexey!). However, 
< *no* command line in wxMaxima... strange behaviours in the terminal, 
< etc. I found out (from another circumstance) how to un-install, thinking 
< that, as the terminal welcome info showed, the 5.17 build was for i686 
< architecture & my machine is an AMD Mobile Athelon +3000 (i386... I do 
< believe). Anyway I went back to Maxima 5.16.3, hoping this would set me 
< up correctly with Maxima... It was not to be... (though I did *run* the 
< tests in xMaxima & no unexpected errors????).
< This is was, however, an error message I got when trying to run the plot 
< demonstrations in xMaxima:
< xmaxima error
< Maxima encountered a Lisp error
< Unix error 32 9EPIPE): Broken pipe, child process terminate or socket closed
< Automatically continuing.
< To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
< This is the welcome message when I ran Maxima in the terminal ('gnuplot: 
< not found'):
< henry at henry-heron:~/maxima-5.16.3$ xmaxima
< Maxima 5.16.3
< Using Lisp CLISP 2.44.1 (2008-02-23)
< Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
< Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
< The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
< (%i1) jfa: starting server on port 4008
< /bin/sh: gnuplot: not found

Maxima uses gnuplot to do its plotting, so gnuplot must be installed. 
This last line tells you that 'gnuplot' has not been found. It is likely
not installed on your machine (?). Try

apt-get -s install gnuplot

to simulate (-s) the installation of gnuplot. To actually install
gnuplot, remove the '-s' from the line above.


< Any one with ideas about what is, or is not going on here? Further 
< tests? CLISP problem? Or... or...
< Henry
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