

I use :

wxMaxima 0.7.6
Maxima 5.16.3
Using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8

I have found :
"GCL is one of the oldest Lisp systems still in use, and as such has
served as the basis for large lisp applications when computers were
much more limited than they are today, particularly in terms of
available memory. Considerable effort was therefore made in the past
to keep the memory image as small as possible. As of the present
time, the GCL team has not tuned the default memory allocation scheme
to be more in line with modern systems. One can therefore often get
significant performance increases by preallocating memory"

I try to increase Maxima memory.
I have not found any Maima commands so I try lisp :



(si::allocate 'cons 10000 t)
(si::allocate 'fixnum 200 t)
(si::allocate 'symbol 100 t)
(si::allocate-relocatable-pages 2000 t)
(si::allocate 'cfun 1000 t))
(si::allocate 'string 2000 t)

What do you think about it ?
How to find maximal values of avilable memory ?

I have tried :

  (defun testmem (size)
      (loop for i upfrom 1 collect (make-array size))))
  (testmem 10000)

with no result.

