Raymond Toy wrote:
> Ok. I see that colnew tickles a couple of bugs in f2cl. Those are
> fixed now. After adding a couple of missing linpack routines and a
> small compatibility file, it all compiles.
I have written the authors of colnew to ask them permission of including
colnew in maxima. They kindly agreed, and i am joining here the answers:
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 22:52:12 +0200
From: "Uri Ascher" <ascher at cs.ubc.ca>
Subject: Re: A request about colnew
To: "Michel Talon" <talon at lpthe.jussieu.fr>
Cc: bader at math.tu-cottbus.de
Dear Michel,
Thank you for your kind words!!
I certainly have no objection to any improvement of COLNEW provided
the result remains in public domain. The idea of a wrapper to reduce
the need for fortran programming is definitely a good one and I have
wanted it done for a while, but there is no one to do it. Your other
ideas look good, too, and again someone is needed to carry them out.
best regards
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 08:20:15 +0100
From: "Prof. Dr. G. Bader" <bader at Math.TU-Cottbus.DE>
Subject: Re: A request about colnew
To: Michel Talon <talon at lpthe.jussieu.fr>
CC: Uri Ascher <ascher at cs.ubc.ca>
Dear Michel,
I agree completely with the position of Uri Ascher.
I only would like be keep informed on your progress in this direction.
With best regards
At the same time Raymond Toy has been able to compile colnew.f
through f2cl and test the result on some examples. So it seems
that maxima may inherit soon a program to solve boundary values differential
systems, in particular find eigenvalues of Schroedinger equations, but
also more general problems.
Michel Talon