Robert Dodier pisze:
> On 1/6/09, Adam Majewski <adammaj1 at> wrote:
>> Here is the program which IMHO needs more memory
>> Try change jMax to 50 or 100 to see effect.
> Adam, I ran your program for jMax=30 and jMax=50 and it
> seemed to run OK -- it took about 5 minutes and 8 minutes
> respectively on a 3 GHz PC.
For me jMax=50 for this program was the max value.
For AMD Turion 64 x2 1.6 GHz it took 63 minutes ( 3818/60)
Please try jMax=100 or more ( and send me png file (:-) )
then you will probably have errors.
For simpler program :
I have reached jMax=200
but Mathemathica 2500 :
Sypercomputers can reach jMax 250 0000.
Because jMax can be increased until infinity so here memory errors
always be.
> The Lisp implementation is Clisp --
> I have noticed that GCL seems to use more memory than
> some other Lisps. You might consider using a different Lisp.
I use wxMaxima on gcl because it is easy to install. ( download one file ).
How to run Maxima using different Lisp ?
Maby make a diffrent Maxima versions : stable( on GCL) and for modern
computers ( on CMUL or CLISp) ?