Input line in wxMaxima

Dear all,

I agree with Holger:  in many applications "enter" means "evaluate" and 
"shift+enter" is "new line".  wxMaxima has changes to reverse this.  I 
thought this was a bug and it took me a while (after the upgrade) to work 
out what to do.   Could we change this back on the next release please?


On Fri, 9 Jan 2009, Holger Schulz wrote:

> Well thanks. But, actually, this is not an answer to my question.
> hs
> Am 2009-01-09 um 22:50 schrieb van Nek:
>> Hallo Holger,
>> here you find three tutorials to get started with the new wxMaxima
>> GUI. I am quite sure that
>> after doing the first steps you will like version 0.8.x.
>> HTH
>> Volker van Nek
>> Am 9 Jan 2009 um 19:39 hat Holger Schulz geschrieben:
>>> I use wxMaxima on a Mac (iMac, Core 2 Duo, MacOS X 10.5.6) installed
>>> via fink ( Since the last fink update, I
>>> have wxMaxima  version 0.8.1. The surface is somehow different since
>>> than. The input line is missing.
>>> In the fink mailing list I was told, that
>>> 1. this was the designated behavior in cirrent wxMaxima versions and
>>> 2. I have to enter the terms in the main window an press Shift-Return
>>> to evaluate them.
>>> I liked the old input line and would like to continue working with
>>> it.
>>> I cannot work with wxMaxima in the new style. Is there any chance to
>>> get the old behavior back?
>>> Thanks.
>>> hs
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