Minpack added for solving non-linear equations and non-linear least-squares

I know about quadpack :)

However I was thinking more along the lines of some  
"numerical_integrate" which calles the appropriate quadpack routine,  
depending on what kind of problem the user stated (finite/infinite,  
zero function simplification ..). Andrej V. has written a function  
"nintegrate" which does just that, but it is not included in maxima..

Quadpack is useful indeed, just not very ergonomic, when user has to  
look up fortran function names depending on what kind of integral he  
has. This could be automated..


On 19. Jan, 2009, at 8:00 PM, Alexey Beshenov wrote:

> On Monday 19 January 2009 19:56:23 ?iga Lenar?i? wrote:
>> Nice to see minimisation in maxima finally. I would like to stress
>>   the importance of proper maxima-level interface to minpack. In
>> the past Andrej V. tried to do a simple interface to quadpack
>> routines, but somehow mailing list couldn't agree on the name, so
>> maxima still has no interface to numerical integration functions.
> http://maxima.sourceforge.net/docs/manual/en/maxima_20.html#SEC70
> -- 
> Prickle Prickle, Chaos 19 YOLD 3175
> Alexey Beshenov  http://beshenov.ru/