Two different y-axes

El mi?, 21-01-2009 a las 10:18 +0100, StefanProbst at escribi?:
> Hello,
> in gnuplot it is possible to have two different y-Axis. This can be interesting for example, if you want to compare two functions. For example
> plot2d([sin(x),100*sin(x+0.1)+3])
> Visually it is not possible to analyse the phase shift between the two functions. Taking the following gnuplot script
> ----------------------------------------
> set ytics nomirror
> set y2tics autofreq 
> set autoscale y2fix
> set autoscale yfix
> plot [0:10] sin(x) axis x1y1,100*sin(x+0.1)+2 axis x1y2
> -----------------------------------------
> the phase shift is obvious already visually.
> Is it possible with maxima to plot the functions on different y-axes somehow?


Download current cvs draw.lisp from

load it and type

   right_yaxis = true,
   y2tics = true,
   color = blue,
   user_preamble = "set ytics nomirror",

The key option is 'right_yaxis'; set it to false (default) or true
before the 2d graphics objects you want to scale with respect to the
right y-axis.

This is a quick hack and was not fully tested. Documentation comming

Probably, I should rename options 'right_yaxis' and/or 'y2tics'. I'm
open to suggestions.
