ECL? was ..Re: Runtime determination of share directories?
Subject: ECL? was ..Re: Runtime determination of share directories?
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 20:17:55 -0500
Michael Abshoff wrote:
> I do not see how this is relevant. There clearly seems to be demand for
> hooking up external libraries into Maxima. I am pretty sure that if I
> benchmark a some Lapack routines using ATLAS against the f2cl translated
> Lapack in Maxima you would see a large performance difference. And I can
Numeric speed is not the reason to use maxima; there are many other
things that would be better suited.
I have not heard any one complain about the lapack routines in maxima
being too slow. In fact, I'm not sure any even uses them for anything. :-)
And one thing that we can do with the Lisp translation is massage it
relatively easily to do a bigfloat implementation. (I haven't actually
done this, but I did hack something to support quad-doubles. That
appeared to work for the couple of simple tests I tried.) Perhaps
there's already an mpfr version of lapack.
> trivially build ATLAS to use 4 cores at the same time and BLAS level 3
Last time I tried to build ATLAS was not exactly trivial, and took the
better part of a day. Perhaps it's better now.