Package bigfloat

Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 23.01.2009, 22:59 -0500 schrieb Raymond Toy:
>> Dieter Kaiser wrote:
>>> The problem is that after a call e.g. to the Maxima function $gamma we
>>> get a back a Maxima number. To continue the calculation we need the
>>> number with a type which is compatible to the calculation within the
>>> package bigfloat. This number should not be in general a bigfloat, but a
>>> float, CL complex, ... and a bigfloat type only for Maxima bigfloat
>>> number.
>>> I think such a function has to be added.
>> Ok.  The function bigfloat:to will take a maxima number and convert it
>> to a CL or BIGFLOAT number (real or complex) as expected.  I also added
>> bigfloat:bigfloat to make a bigfloat number (real or complex).
>> The changes are checked in. 
>> Let me know if you run into other problems and I'll try to fix them soon.
> Hello Ray,
> it works fine. I have nearly completed the numerical algorithm for the
> beta_incomplete function. It works for float and bigfloat numbers as
> expected.  
> There is an open problem for complex numbers. bigfloat:to does not do
> the correct conversion for pure imaginary numbers.
> Two examples:
> (%i36) :lisp (bigfloat:to (mul '$%i ($bfloat 1.0)))
> (%i36) :lisp (bigfloat:to (mul '$%i 1.0))
Oops.  Forgot that case.  This should be fixed now, so if you had some
workaround for that you can remove it.
