Jim FitzSimons wrote:
> There is a patch in the latest bfloat elliptic integrals to get past
> the sqrt error.
> Also included are the symmetric elliptic integrals.
> The Maxima source is attached.
> Regards, Jim FitzSimons
I know this is really, really late, but I've used your elliptbf3.mac
from your website and added it to maxima. It's no longer in the Maxima
language; I translated it to Lisp.
I need to do some more testing, but the few things I've tried appear to
I do have one question. In your code, you have bferrtol set to 1b-6.
Why 1b-6? I've tried various values of fpprec, and it seems that the
routines produce the correct values for all desired precisions.