odd integration problem.

Richard Fateman wrote:

> integrate(2^x/sqrt(1+4^x), x);
>  is not done.
> but integrate(radcan (2^x/sqrt(1+4^x)), x);
>  works fine.
> why this is odd?  the risch algorithm should be decomposing stuff using
> radcan.
> It has to notice that 4^x is  2 ^(2*x) ,  and is therefore related to 2^x.
> Macsyma has the same problem and the same fix.
> This problem was posed as something the new "Fricas" can do.

At first i had read x^4! I would be happier if maxima could integrate
this one than a completely exotic and artificial integral with 4^x.
Anyways, Maple, Mathematica have no problem integrating elliptic 
differentials, and this is not a super sophisticated risch algorithm
for algebraic integrands, it is simply recognizing that integrals of the
form integrate(r(x)*sqrt(P(x)),x) where r(x) is a rational function and 
P is a polynomial of degree 3 or 4 are elliptic,
the explicit elliptic form being obtained by writing the curve y^2=P(x) in
canonical elliptic form through reparametrizations. More complicated 
algebraic integrals cannot be expressed on well known special functions,so
it is useless to develop an algorithm for more general cases.

Michel Talon