fun with hours, minutes, seconds etc


inspired by a recent question about carpentry, I've committed some
new stuff in ezunits. As before foo ` bar `` baz changes units bar
to units baz. Now if baz is a list, the result is a list in which
quantities are integers except for the last.

load (ezunits);

86401 ` s `` [hour, minute, s];
 => [24 ` hour, 0 ` minute, 1 ` s]

10^7 ` m^2 `` [mile^2, acre, foot^2, inch^2];
 => [3 ` mile^2, 551 ` acre, 2344 ` foot^2, 388096/16129 ` inch^2]

map (lambda ([x], x `` m^2), %);
 => [121405692672/15625 ` m^2, 174204522558/78125 ` m^2,
85064346/390625 ` m^2, 6064/390625 ` m^2]

apply ("+", %);
 => 10000000 ` m^2

x ` m `` [yard, foot, inch];
 => [floor(1250*x/1143) ` yard,
 floor(3*(1250*x/1143-floor(1250*x/1143))) ` foot,
    -floor(3*(1250*x/1143-floor(1250*x/1143)))) ` inch]

ev (%, x = 500);
 => [546 ` yard, 2 ` foot, 640/127 ` inch]

I thought about making the result something like x ` hour
 + y ` minute + z ` s but Maxima reorders operands of "+".
I guess I could invent a noncommutative plus operator.

Hope this is useful to someone. I'd be glad to read any comments.

Robert Dodier