revision & translation of errors and other messages

Am Sonntag, den 08.02.2009, 14:11 +0000 schrieb Robert Marik:

> How to answer this question? "z?p;" or "neg;" ? Is it a good idea to allow 
> translated anwers on input? If not, is it a good idea to expect answer 
> in English, if the question is in other language? 
> I think that German and other translations could have similar problems.

I think too that it would be a problem to expect an English answer for a
German question. For the given example there is no problem in German

Ist  a  negative oder positive?

But Zero will be "Null" and we have a problem when we accept only one
char as an answer, because we can not distinguish "Null" and "Negative".

Dieter Kaiser