(wxmaxima) write gnuplot to file

El lun, 16-02-2009 a las 21:17 +0100, Friedrich Hattendorf escribi?:
> Hello,
> which wxmaxima-command writes the gnuplot-output  to graphics 
> file

Hallo Friedrich,

If you are using the routines of the draw package, you have two

a) use terminal option to decide which format you prefere:

load(draw) $

 terminal = png, /* or: gif, animated_gif, jpg, eps */
 explicit(x^2, x, -2, 2)) $

b) If you download the latest cvs version of draw.lisp, you can make use
of function 'draw_file' after plotting your graph on the screen:

draw2d(explicit(x^2, x, -2, 2)) $
draw_file(terminal=eps) $

Some other options related to files are: pic_width, pic_height,
file_bgcolor (only in cvs version), file_name, eps_width, eps_height.

More examples in 


If you use the plot2d or plot3d commands, see the 'gnuplot_term' option
in  the documentation for 'plot_options'.

Alles Gute.

