apparent bug with cmucl compiles to sse2

On 2/21/09, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:

> I saw the glitch too. Did you compare the numerical values near 80? There
>  is a tiny(!) chance that the glitch is due to gnuplot, not in the data. I'd guess there
>  is a greater chance that the stopping criteria for eigens_by_jacobi is subideal.
>  Also, I think Maxima has alternative numerical eigenvalue code (translated
>  from fortran). Maybe you could try that code to see if the glitch vanishes.

I tried the program shown in Michel's message of Feb 20 with different
values for s (5, 10, or 20, I have a slow computer) and the bump is present
for the values I tried. Also, I replaced eigens_by_jacobi by dgeev (from
LAPACK) and the bump is the same.

I think the next thing to consider is the construction of the matrix M.
Maybe Mathematica and Maxima are computing different values for
some radicals or something; just guessing.


Robert Dodier

PS. Here is the program after modifications.

hbar: 1/s;
/* this has to do with quantum oscillators and spin problems */
H[i,j]:= if i=j then -kappa*hbar*(2*s-2*i)
else if j = i-1 then hbar^(3/2) *i*sqrt(2*s+1-i)
else if j = i+1 then hbar^(3/2) * (i+1)*sqrt(2*s-i)
else 0;
M: genmatrix(H,2*s+1,2*s+1)$
/* M is symmetric*/
load (lapack);
t: dgeev (M, false, false)$
eig: sort(-eig);
plot2d([discrete,u,eig], [plot_format, gnuplot]);